My Spring 2018 graduate seminar, "Mastering the Archive: Situating Atlanta in the Interwar Housing Debates" was highlighted as a cool course in the Emory Report. The seminar focuses on my new home of Atlanta, the site of the first “slum clearance” project in the United States, in 1934, and America's first completed — though segregated — federally-funded public housing: Techwood and University Homes. Using these projects for research, students gain facility working in Atlanta-area archives through theoretical and historical readings and discussions and hands-on work and workshops with archival specialists. The seminar seeks to plot Atlanta on the interwar architectural map, establishing the city’s role as a clearinghouse for European social housing ideas in the U.S., and as the earliest homegrown precedent for the Roosevelt administration’s New Deal public housing. The students come from Art History, History, and even Emory's Goizueta Business School. It promises to be an intense semester; I'll report back on the results through my Research page.